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Hayfever season is here

April 04, 20232 min read

flower heavy with pollen

Hay-fever season is here.

So why does hayfever set off the common running nose, itchy eyes and throat in those prone to hay fever?

Lets start with a piece by my Professional body the National Institue of Medical herbalist. They explain what an immune response is and the part in plays in hayfever


An allergy is an exaggerated reaction of the immune system in response to bodily contact with certain substances which the body recognises as foreign. Known as allergens, these substances may be anything that provokes an allergic reaction in a susceptible person and the most common are respiratory (pollens, dust mite, moulds, animal and bird dander) and food allergies. The well-known symptoms of allergy such as runny nose, red itchy eyes, itchiness, sneezing, and congestion are familiar to us in conditions such as hayfever, asthma and allergic eczema.

Allergic responses are very complex and involve many inflammatory substances such as histamine, mast cells (basophils), eosinophils, cytokines, and IgE antibodies amongst others. 

Some people are born with high levels of IgE antibodies and mast cells making them more susceptible but we can acquire allergies at any stage of life. Conventional treatment of allergies either blocks the immune response (anti-histamines), or in more severe cases, seeks to suppress immune function with steroids, applied internally and externally. Herbs can be used to treat chronic allergies; giving relief from symptoms, sparing the adrenal glands (often exhausted in long-term allergy sufferers) and balancing the immune system.”

I have treated those living with hay-fever for years, with very successful results. Please book a discover call with me in you want to find out how i can help you. Link to book is here

Also I sell my own blend of anti-hayfever tea called push back the pollen and you can buy that here

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